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"Tag Cloud" Widget

Group: Tags


Displays a list of most popular tags on the site.

Appearance Example


Sort tags

Specifies tag sorting criteria

Show as

In the “Cloud” mode, tags are displayed as shown in the screenshot above (the size of each tag depends on its frequency). In the “List” mode, a simple list in the form of a table is displayed.

Maximum font size in the cloud

It is specified in pixels and limits the link size of most popular tags

Minimum font size in the cloud

It is specified in pixels and limits the link size of most rare tags

Number of tags

Limits the number of displayed tags

Minimum tag frequency

You can specify minimum tag frequency - in other words, how many times a tag has been used in entries at minimum.

Minimum tag length

Determines minimum tag (word) length, for example, the “example” tag is 7 symbols long.

Possible tag colors

In this field, you can enter colors separated by commas to “color” tags randomly. Enter color codes (without spaces) separated by commas in the #RRGGBB format. If not specified, tags will be of one color. For example:


Shuffle tags

If this option is enabled, the tags, which have been retrieved and sorted by the above described option, will be shuffled.

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en/manual/widgets/overview/tags/cloud.txt · Последнее изменение: 04.05.2016 14:52 — murlysja