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"Private Messages" Component

Control panelComponentsPrivate messages


Component performs two functions:

  1. allows users to exchange private messages;
  2. sends system notifications on various activities (for example, friendship requests) to users.

Private messages

It looks like a pop-up window to the left of which there is a list of contacts, while to the right - a conversation with a chosen contact.

Any menu should have an item with the {messages:view} link and the ajax-modal CSS-class to let a user open this window. The item will show a refreshable counter of new private messages, if you supplement it with the space-separated messages-counter CSS-class.


A user can manage notifications in one’s profile settings. Notifications are displayed in a pop-up window too. Any menu should have an item with the {messages:view} link and the ajax-modal CSS-class to let a user open it. The item will show a refreshable counter of new notifications, if you add the notices-counter CSS-class.


Here you can specify the number of recent conversation messages that will be displayed at a time (older messages are available by clicking on “Show more”).

In addition, you can choose groups that will have an access to private messaging.

en/manual/components/messages.txt · Последнее изменение: 14.05.2016 10:18 — murlysja

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