Документация InstantCMS

для администраторов и разработчиков

Инструменты пользователя

Инструменты сайта


Control Panel File Structure

A component’s control panel consists of the backend.php file and the backend folder located in the component folder. Let’s take the users component as an example:

The backend.php file is the main file of the component’s backend-controller. The backend{Component-title} class that is inhereted from the cmsBackend system class is defined in it. In this class, control panel actions can be defined in the same way as in the Frontend.

The backend folder may contain several nested folders:

actions A folder storing external actions that are described in separate files
forms Here you can store files with the description of forms used in the component’s control panel
grids This folder stores files with the description of Tables used to output data lists in the component’s control panel

Control panel templates

Templates related to the component’s control panel are stored in the /templates/{theme title}/controllers/{component title}/backend folder.

For example, backend-templates of the users component are stored in /templates/default/controllers/users/backend.

The styles.css file can be located in the folder with templates. In this case, it will be automatically linked when outputting templates.

Language file

Text messages that are output in the control panel and its templates are defined in the common Language File of the component.

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en/dev/controllers/backend/paths.txt · Последнее изменение: 02.05.2017 10:49 — murlysja

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